News and Updates

Welcome to our News and Updates resource, where we share information to enhance understanding of the rapidly evolving brain-computer interface (BCI) landscape, including Synchron’s research and technology.

We will be updating this content regularly, so please visit often. Or join our registry to receive the latest news and additions.

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CAUTION — Investigational device. Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use.

Video depicts results obtained by a single participant in a clinical trial conducted in Australia. These results may not be typical for all users. There are risks associated with the implant procedure. The safety of the device has not been established. The information contained in the video is for informational purposes only. The medical device discussed in the video is currently undergoing clinical trials that must comply with the FDA’s investigational device exemption (IDE) regulations and be conducted only with Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval.

Meet Phil and Rodney (2 min)

Gain a little insight into the experience of two individuals who had Synchron’s investigational device implanted as participants in a clinical trial.

The “Brain Bluetooth” (3 min)

A high-level introduction to the Synchron device — “a hands-free brain control platform” — and its potential to enable people who have lost the capacity to move or speak to resume daily tasks through direct thought.

Technology Designed to Restore Independence (2 min)

A brief introduction to Synchron’s investigational implantable brain device and how it is designed to works.

Translating Brain Signals (6 min)

An industry case study featuring Synchron’s associate director of research and development, who delves into the manufacturing, design and rationale behind Synchron’s BCI device.

A Small Brain Device Proving a Big Game Changer for Paralyzed Patients (4 min)

Learn more about Synchron’s researchers and scientists, and hear from one of the first recipients of Synchron’s investigational device. You’ll gain insight into his journey, motivations and aspirations.

A Brain Implant That Turns Your Thoughts Into Text (12 min)

Synchron’s CEO Tom Oxley describes the intricacies of this breakthrough technology and how it could help transform the future of communication (presented in a 2022 TEDx Talk).

Neuralink's Rival Tests Brain Chip in Race to Bring Implants to Market | WSJ

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Wall Street Journal | 21 Mar 2024

An implant in his brain lets him do incredible tasks with his thoughts

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CNN | 28 Feb 2024

From Thought to Text: How an Endovascular Brain-Computer Interface Could Help Patients With Severe Paralysis Communicate

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JAMA Medical News | 18 Jan 2023

Assessment of Safety of a Fully Implanted Endovascular Brain-Computer Interface for Severe Paralysis in 4 Patients: The Stentrode With Thought-Controlled Digital Switch (SWITCH) Study

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JAMA Neurology | 9 Jan 2023